The same goes for on-road training for qualified level 1 STMS’. Ongoing training and coaching is a big part of allowing newly qualified level 1 STMS’ to learn from those who are more experienced, who have done the hard yards in refining their practical skill set.
Currently, to achieve a Level 1 STMS qualification, you need to attend a two-day theory-based workshop and complete assessments conducted in a classroom. This alone is not enough to cement knowledge and develop key skills, largely due to the practical nature of the work.
NZTA is in the process of investigating a new programme where all TC and Level 1 STMS training will need to undergo practical assessment of skills. This would allow for training providers to establish practical competencies regarding tasks involved in setting up, maintaining and removing TTM work sites. It is important to note that practical assessments currently exist for level 2 and 3.
Passing the practical assessment is the first step, but ongoing coaching and training are required to give an employer full confidence in someone’s ability to perform the tasks well. This can be recorded through weekly internal audits, which can be carried out by an internal verifier, or a qualified external contractor. The information collected will be able to identify which areas the candidate needs to improve on and will guide future coaching and training sessions.
Parallaxx offers comprehensive traffic control courses in New Zealand from Level 1 Basic Traffic Control Course to Level ⅔ Practising STMS – the highest certification a traffic controller can acquire.
You can book your training course here – bulk or solo or drop us a line at 0800 333 772.