From the roadside to the classroom, we work with our customers in all sorts of ways.
Some of this country’s biggest construction and engineering companies trust us to help them keep moving forward. From detailed planning and equipment hire to assisting with tenders and training your people, Parallaxx helps New Zealand companies in all sorts of ways. See for yourself what we’ve done and for whom below.

SH16 Lincoln to Westgate
The final project along Auckland’s North Western Motorway as part of the NZ Government’s ‘Western Ring Route” corridor. The project aimed to connect the previously completed SH16/SH18 Hobsonville Interchange and Lincoln Road Interchange upgrade projects. 3 seperate major structural replacements (2 overbridges, one bridge over water) meant multiple work fronts and in some places a very tight corridor.

SH16 Causeway Upgrade
The SH16 Causeway Upgrade project spans the 4km stretch between Te Atatu interchange and Great North Road Interchange. The construction team was challenged to maintain traffic flows for the 90,000+ vehicles through the congested SH16 corridor while widening in both directions and raising the motorway by 1.5m to accommodate the rise in sea levels.

Baypark to Bayfair Link (B2B)
The section of very busy State Highway heading south from Mount Maunganui has had its capacity and function stretched for some time. A major upgrade was required but to construct – would be a challenge of conflicting needs. A keen balance would be required between construction productivty and space maximisation, and disruption (to vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists and even the railway).

City Rail Link – C2
This project is one part of the overall City Rail Link Project – the largest construction project ever undertaken in New Zealand. This component required the construction of twin cut-and-cover tunnels under Albert St in Auckland’s CBD, including traversing the busy Customs St Intersection. The challenge of major construction in New Zealand’s busiest commercial area was very real.

City Rail Link – C3
This project is one part of the overall City Rail Link Project – the largest construction project ever undertaken in New Zealand. The C3 section spans from Albert street all the way to Mt Eden including the construction on the 3 stations at Albert street, Pitt street and Mt Eden

City Rail Link – C5
This project is one part of the overall City Rail Link Project – the largest construction project ever undertaken in New Zealand. The C5 section involves the upgrade of the Normanby intersection and level crossing. An upgrade of the Porters Ave level crossing is required. All this needs to tie in with the C3 program and staging.

Te Ahu A Turanga (Manawatu Tararua Highway)
A significant rebuild/realignment of State Highway 3 in the Manawatu, this alliance project calls for some innovative traffic management solutions to deal with the challenging local road network (that is currently being used as the defacto state highway). A high volume of earthworks also proves a challenge for entry and egress to site.

Central Interceptor
A mammoth project installing a new major interceptor pipeline under Auckland. Parallaxx are charged with assisting with TMP design and overall TTM methodology, particularly around the significant shaft areas along the alignment length.

Waterview Tunnel Maintenance
To develop safe Traffic management plans with the use of the LSU signals and VMS boards to make it Safer, easier and more efficient to complete road work through the Waterview tunnel