Well, it’s been a long journey to get to this present moment in time…
It was 5 years ago now that the NZTA decided to look at a revamp of the CoPTTM training model. The CoPTTM Governance group at that time, spent time and energy looking at what changes were needed and how the current roles and responsibilities might evolve to meet the requirements of all stake holders and new HASW 2015.
The training and competency model was created and went through several iterations until it arrived at version 5.3 in August 2019. I was shortlisted as a potential industry design advisor and secured the appointment shortly after.
An important development along the evolution of the model was to incorporate a career path which could be identified through several unit standards that would culminate in a national certificate of TTM for those that chose to do their theory and practical competency assessments under the umbrella of Connexis, the industry ITO.
A working group comprised of Waka Kotahi representatives, Tony Stella and I met on several occasions to look at the learning blocks in the model, decide on the key messages and learning outcomes and these were used to create workshop frameworks which provide a foundation for the creation of the presentations, trainer guides and learner handbooks to match the new roles.
Fast forward through the Covid lockdown and into 2021 with a with some intense work to complete most of the phase 1 workshop materials for an April rollout, I was fortunate enough to assist and support the trials of the TMO, STMS U CAT A and CAT B workshops with a select group of 8 learners. All relatively new to TTM each learner was exposed to 5 days training and assessments, their feedback was gathered, and edits were made to precede the trainer refresher rollout.
So here we are in April and we have just completed the Wellington 2-day rollout to trainers, Christchurch is next and then onto Auckland for 2 trainer rollouts next week.
It has been great to finally see the workshop materials entrusted to those that will carry it through to our current and upcoming road workers specialising in TTM. Learnings from the Wellington rollout confirmed how valuable the NZCATT qualification has been to our trainers and that equitable training that reaches connects and supports all our learners is achievable and needed.
Its great to see content that isn’t reference material heavy, we now have content that is relevant and fit for purpose for the learner, content that revolves around real time risk assessment and the daily processes involved in each role.
I’m very proud of what Waka Kotahi has achieved and I’m very thankful for the opportunity to have reviewed content, suggested changes and have those changes incorporated into the end product. Now its your turn to look at the materials and give your feedback so that intime the materials might be further refined to meet your needs. A safe working environment requires everyone to work together with the end goal that our jobs are enjoyable, successful, fulfilling and most importantly, we get to share the fruits of our labour with our loved ones when we go home.
I would ask that you be patient with the TTM Trainers that are coming to grips and getting their heads around the new courses, they have an ongoing learning curve to adjust to over the next few weeks and months.
If you are unsure of the new training and competency requirements or changes or need guidance for yourself or your staff, Parallaxx Ltd can simplify and shed light on what you need to do to efficiently navigate through these changes.
Tē tōia, tē haumatia (nothing can be achieved without a plan, workforce and way of doing things)