Upper Queen St Cycleway


Traffic Systems Limited


Auckland CBD


Older (finished outside the last 12 months)


Weaving a new cycleway through Auckland city centre involved the piecing together of numerous projects that each involved their own unique challenges. This project involved a worksite length of less than 200 metres, but yet presented significant spatial constraints, linemarking challenges and traffic management interventions.


The major intersections either side of the bridge, coupled with the reduction in residual vehicle space meant linemarking was a particular challenge and required some innovative solutions. Adoption of final lane positions at the outset meant for a significant reduction in ghost marking, more space availability for the contractor, and a safer environment for all.


The result was a significant reduction in confusion for motorists from the outset. By implementing the final road layout (which was possible in this unique situation) from day one - motorists were asked to adapt to the long term layout from the outset - meaning reduced TTM impact and higher compliance. A win all round.


Dave Tilton
Andrew Young

Equipment used

Coming soon


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