Tamaki Drive Improvements


Fulton Hogan


East Auckland


Current (still constructing)


A significant corridor heading to East Auckland (from the CBD) - Tamaki Drive has long been a major thoroughfare for all modes (especially cycling) and safety improvements have been desperately required for some time (especially at the intersection of Ngapipi Drive). With the multimodal environment and already safety-compromised intersection present - the TMP design and traffic staging of the project is a critical component to ensure overall safety is maintained whilst the construction progresses.


Parallaxx's role in this project is to oversee the TMP design and ensure accurate and very precise CAD-based staging. The spatial constraints (like many projects) require very precise geo-referenced TTM geometry to ensure accurate overlap of stages, and a safe environment throughout.


In its early stages still, this project will require ongoing consideration for space allocation to pedestrians and cyclists in this highly-used corridor. Parallaxx continues to be an important partner to the contractor throughout.


Kelvin Leyland
Josh Fajardo

Equipment used

Coming soon


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