

Broadspectrum New Zealand


South Auckland


Ongoing (cyclic)


Maintaining Auckland's vast road network requires a partitioned approach - and the South Rural area is compartmentalised into one contract area. The unique challenge of this area is the high speed (and still relatively high volume), narrow, and vast nature of the contract area. From a Traffic Management point of view - a high volume of work is required - necessitating responsive and flexible TMP design and management.


Parallaxx provides TMP design for these contract works and ensures the contractor can get on the road where and when they need to. With such a large network area, and large volume of maintenance work required - our teams ensure that TMP turn around times are short, and relationships with Auckland Transport Road Corridor Access are well formed to ensure maximum responsiveness.


We are able to work with the contractor to have a range of apprved TMPs always available to ensure maximum flexibility - but also maintain good visibility of activity (for the RCA) on any given day.


Steven Kinzett
Christian Soriano
Jolina Mendoza

Equipment used

Coming soon


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