

The Downtown JV (Downer NZ / HEB Construction / Soletanche Bachy)


Auckland CBD


Current (still constructing)


The DIDP actually describes a suite of projects - encompassing numerous complimentary activities along Auckland's waterfront. This project might just be one of the most challenging we have ever been involved with - requiring unique solutions, new ideas and significant communication right from tender time. The traffic volumes, coupled with the disruptive work means this project will forever be delicately working in the sweet spot between disruption and productivity.


We've employed some brand new solutions just for this project - such as a new centreline delineation method, a steel barrier system right in the heart of downtown Auckland, and new specialist signage for the unique mix of public that utilise this area. The innovative solutions continue to flow on this ongoing project.


We have moulded and grown with this challenging project and will continue to do so. The timeframes are tight but things look promising for successful completion by Americas Cup 2021 for the critical parts of the programme.


Voss Vatau, Lady Lising, Lara Vasquez, Chris Garfitt

Equipment used

Coming soon


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