Grey Lynn Cycle Improvements


Dempsey Wood Civil


Central Auckland


Older (finished outside the last 12 months)


This project was to complete cycle lane and shared path facilities in the Grey Lynn area. There was a major challenge in that the work went along Richmond Road through the township part, where there is high vehicle and pedestrian volumes, as well as numerous store fronts and vehicle parks. We needed to reduce traffic to a single lane full time over a 400m length, including side roads


Dempsey Wood requested our assistance to resolve the Richmond Rd TTM issues. This involved designing a method to use 4-way temporary traffic signals where there was actually more than 4 approaches to the site. We used road closures and one way detours to reduce the approaches to only four, and thus the signals could be used. This involved significant discussion with the RCA to ensure the method would work and not cause unnecessary delays


The operation was approved by the RCA and implemented on site with minimal disruption to taffic. The physical works were completed within the time frame we'd agreed with the RCA


Andrew Young

Equipment used

Coming soon


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